sábado, diciembre 15, 2007

Why am I still in Upland?!

I'm sorry if I haven't been updating very much lately. As you already know I just finished finals, which were actually quite difficult this semester. Thankfully, I didn't have to move out of the dorms right away since I have been living off campus this semester. I've given myself until Monday to pack everything up. I really hate packing, and this is a lot harder than usual. I've decided to get rid a lot of my "junk" to relieve myself of some of the clutter that has been accumulating over time. You know how that works though...it might be useful down the road someday. I want to get rid of stuff, but I'm not sure where to draw the line between "junk" and "usefulness." I have a bunch of notes that were given to me while I was in Argentina last year. They ask me how my day was going, why I was so quiet at the time, etc. Good memories...but they take up space! Nah, I'm keeping them, including the postcards. I've decided to get rid of all of my sticky notes and other bits of junk though.

Once I sort through all of my things, I'm supposed to decide what to take to Lithuania. I'll be gone for 9 months (I'll be back at the end of August) and in three different continents. The thing that I most worried about is the temperature change. The other students who are going with me to Lithuania only need to worry about cold weather, but I need to be prepared for all sorts of temperature changes. I think I've finally convinced myself that no matter where I am, I can always buy warmer weather clothing.

As you can see from the photos above, my friends and I spent a day in Indianapolis yesterday. We got to climb to the top of a huge monument that commemorates some solider guys. I'm surprised that I didn't pass out on the way up. I had my big wool coat on plus I was carrying my maté bag. We all made it though...thankfully. After that we sat on the steps in the front of the monument as I prepared some good matecito. I got yelled at by Amy for wanting to throw the yerba out on the grass (where it would be invisible to everyone). Instead I had to run down to the sidewalk to through the yerba in a real trash can. Good thing my friends look out for me, or else I would have ended up in jail. After the monument we headed out to a huge mall where the girls shopped their hearts out. Ben and I just chilled and walked around for a while looking at the stores.

We arrived home exhausted, but happy. This morning both Ben and Ruwe left and it's just Amy and I left. I really hate that feeling...one by one my friends leave. I need to look on the bright side of things, I'll be in Lithuania in 24 days.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

hey mate...will miss you this coming semester. don't waste time in lithuania being too nostalgic though, make the most of the time you have there.

rebecca. dijo...

:) i do like ian's logical side. things in nebraska are good. but i don't like remembering that when i get back to taylor, one of my favorite parts will be gone...