domingo, diciembre 23, 2007

Going to Chicago/Mexico

I'm taking the train to Chicago to spend the holidays with my sister. This is going to be the fourth house for me to sleep in since break has started. First Soup House, second Grandparents, third Kalamazoo Greenmans, and fourth Chicago. When will I be able to unpack my bag and rest my weary head on a stable pillow? Lithuania in January. :) I won't lie, I am a bit nervous.

Some things that I am looking forward to in Chicago:
  • Miriam!
  • Clean kitchen and bathroom
  • Good food
  • Tasty coffee
  • Diverse environment (as long as I can build up my courage to get of the apartment)
  • Meeting up with friends
  • Reading
  • Teasing my sister

1 comentario:

rebecca. dijo...

ONLY because you're missing teasing everyone else. ;) or maybe just me. blah. hope kalamazoo is treating you well.
