jueves, octubre 30, 2008

The 30 of of October of 1983

"El 30 de octubre de 1983 el candidato por la UCR, Raúl Alfonsín, se impuso en las elecciones presidenciales, dejando atrás la dictadura militar que asumió el poder en 1976."

I realised that while I've been working on my Russian history essay on the effects the industrailization of Russia had on the revolution of 1914 (and prior revolutions as well), that Argentina is celebrating 25 years of democracy today! The military dictatorship had been in power from 1976 until 1983.    

miércoles, octubre 29, 2008

Free Hugs...

everybody needs them!  

martes, octubre 21, 2008


As I (try to) plan my future I have to keep in mind that any knowledge that I gain, any achievements that I make, any awards that I win, should be for God's glory, not my own or the Greenman family.  Sometimes I catch myself thinking up hard ways to live life to be able to create opportunities for myself to grow.  If God wants me to grow in a certain way, he will make it happen.  That takes trust in knowing that he knows what is going on and that my adventure is slowly and patiently finding out what that is.  I've been thinking a lot lately about the order of actions.  Many times we pray to God, "Please Lord, bless us this day as we ____."  Instead, we should be searching what the Lord wants and asking, "What do you want me to do?"  That way, we automatically know what we do will be blessed.  Not easy, but blessed.  

The funny thing is...this whole post makes the first seven words of the paragraph completely and utterly pointless...which is pretty cool.  Renee wouldn't approve grammatically though.  

lunes, octubre 20, 2008


Heads up, if my rss feed isn't working for you, try rss feeding me again.  I had to change my original blog address from elgauchitoarg.blogspot.com to joshgreenman.blogspot.com because of some mix-ups with my url provider.  All that to say, sorry for the inconvenience!  

Here is an update on my life: 
trying to study, 
don't feel like it.
five year plan.
I see Ruwe,
she has a fancy hat on.

That is all.  

lunes, octubre 13, 2008

These made me think

Click to enlarge.

Banksy is his http://www.banksy.co.uk/

My life is a leaf

I'm not feeling too poetic, but I do feel like a dried out, crumpled leaf that has been thrown into the wind, waiting for the nearest current of air to guide me to my next location and stage of life. Who knows? I might end up in a gutter, in an ocean, on the top of a mountain; a whole new kind of world awaits me.

But to be honest, thinking about the huge decisions (probably the biggest in my life) that I have to make within a few months scares me silly. I'm flexible for anything, which helps...right?

jueves, octubre 09, 2008

MuKappa (and friends) lunch table

For the past few years I've been eating lunch at 11 am Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays at the dinning commons. Over time, I have been able to find friends who ate ate at the same time and we've been able to build a little community. Going through old emails, I found one written by one of the original 'members.'

The email is dated from 10/29/2006 and states:


I hope you had a great weekend hanging out with your mom! It was nice to meet her today, too bad we couldn't have talked longer.

Anyway, are you going to have class at 11 next semester? I can register at 2 pm tomorrow, and I have the option of taking a class at that time or at 1 pm, and I will take it at 1 if we're going to eat lunch at 11, but if you can't then I will take it at 11. So, let me know as you can if you know yet.



And the rest is history...

miércoles, octubre 08, 2008

I would like a job, please.

This last Tuesday I was able to attend a discussion on how to manage money and be monetarily sound. The people giving the presentation were from Charles Schwab investments. They had some great things to say, even I feel that most of the tips offered were pretty obvious (when you have debt, pay it back right away). I have been reading through a book entitled "International Jobs." The author of the book states, "I will never forget the powerful presentation of one senior professional at a career panel I attended. He opened his remarks by saying that when he speaks to a group of approximately fifty students, generally thirty will approach him at the end of a panel for questions; only five might ask for a business car; and if he has a good day, only two will call to follow up for an informational interview. Those are the only two he might - he informed the surprised group -consider hiring" (10).

Sure enough. At the end of the presentation only about three or four of us (out of 50ish?) stayed to talk to the four Schwab representatives. I don't have any interest in working with an investment company, but I was able to practice my networking skills. I now have a phone number, four names, and a business card for my efforts. Not only that, but they know my name, my story, and my face. I was also able to tell them what my budgeting system was: just don't spend money. When they heard that, they gave me some chocolate bars. :)

domingo, octubre 05, 2008

Loneliness has a definition.

"The loneliest maté is the one cebado alone." - Josh Greenman

Lucky for me, Ruwe ccompanied me with downing two whole liters (minus some that spilled onto my pants) of extra yummy extra strong maté. She had to visit a museum in Indianapolis so we drank one liter on the way down and another on the way back up to Taylor.

p.s. My stomach hates me now.

Shaving the beard

Ha, my thoughts exactly.

(Got it from here)

miércoles, octubre 01, 2008

I'm almost there...

(Got it from here)

Distractions distractions...I've actually been doing pretty well lately. Obviously, there is always room for improvement. But, I think I'll be able to graduate on time. ;)

If anything, this video is what is currently distracting me the most.