lunes, diciembre 03, 2007

Saying Good-Bye to China One

I've had to say a lot of good-byes in my lifetime and I'm sure that there will be quite a few more down the road. I've heard quite a few people tell me that saying goodbye and taking pictures of the places that you will miss actually helps with the process. My friends and I decided to head over to China One for one of my potentially last visits before my trip to Lithuania. That restaurant holds a lot of memories and deserved to be photographed.

While I was at China One, I ate some delicious noodles. Well, I thought that until I felt my lips swelling up and my throat started getting a little scratchy. Interesting sensation really. I went back to the buffet and realized to my horror that there were a LOT of shrimp mixed in. I'm extremely allergic to shrimp and almost died when I was in 5th grade. My cousin Ben called campus-safety to see where the closest ER was, just in case I have a fatal reaction. I guess I didn't eat enough shrimp because my lips didn't swell to enormous proportions and I only got a few hives. :) I had the hardest time digesting the food last night though, my stomach felt full until 2 a.m. or so.

I guess China One didn't want to see me leave either.

3 comentarios:

Эми dijo...

I'm glad you didn't swell up and have to go to the ER.

rebecca. dijo...

i'm not laughing. it's not funny. i would have cried if you got really sick. and that would be unfortunate, because i'd have had to cry alone. ;)

my presentation went well.

Anónimo dijo...

I think you better stick with Argentine asados :)