sábado, noviembre 24, 2007

Lazy Butt

This morning I was awakened by my friend Seth's dad yelling, "TIME TO GET UP YOU SLUGGARDS! TIME TO WORK! Well....not Josh because he is our guest."


I'm here now, finishing up the last touches on my History of England essay and what effect the (affect? effect? Same thing to me!) Corn Laws of 1815 had on the economy, and how they were repealed (not terribly interesting to say the least). This is probably one of the worst essays that I have ever written, but Lithuania is too close for me to concentrate 100% percent.

From where I sit I watch all three sons picking up leaves, taking trash out, cutting wood, etc., in preparation of a party with their youth-group. They look like little ants, preparing for winter. Brr its cold out there: 28 degrees F. It's a nice change to not have to be working my tail off and be in charge to get anything done. I took full advantage (without being a jerk of course) of the Rambikur's willingness to take care of me.

I made four pizzas last night which turned out pretty descent. Some of the girls who were visiting enjoyed putting the toppings on and hearing about my baking experiences. It felt weird, they really thought I was the real deal as far as baking goes. To be honest I was embarrased when the pizza crusts got extremely inflated, which seems to happen quite often with my recipe. Maybe I should look for a new one...

I'm flying out of Boston tomorrow to Indianapolis where my friend Ruwe will be picking me up from the airport. We should be getting into Taylor at around 12:30 am, if all goes well. I have class Monday morning at 8 and I hope to turn my paper in then. I will be posting some photos and videos of my trip as soon as I get some free time, so make sure you check back within the next week.

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

In that context, "effect" is correct. Effect is a noun. Affect is a verb. :)

Josué Greenman dijo...

Thank you grammar angel.

Anónimo dijo...

"grammar angel"?!
seriously, now.