martes, noviembre 06, 2007

I'm 'N MK ok?

"Gorillaman85" makes some good points, even though my story has some differences... For one, I didn't have a group of friends to accept me every time I came back. Second, I grew up in a more devolved country with people that looked similar to me (even though I was always the white boy that need a little more of a tan). I still remember feeling angry though that I had been brought up in Argentina because I felt like I had received the short end of the deal. I have experienced so many life shaping things that I wouldn't change for anything.

To be honest, I miss home quite often. I can spend hours on Google Earth and listen to radio stations, catching up on weather reports and Argentine music (yes, even pop). I'm looking forward to going home in June...

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Great video! It is cool that he has so much video of when he was younger too.

Christy Carlson dijo...

Josue - thanks for the comment. I guess I'll have to catch you in January, then, since I graduate in May! Crazy....

We can chat about Latin America during the cold, windy J-term. Deal? Deal.