miércoles, junio 21, 2006

I’ve been noticing something strange with my eyes lately; they make me look like a drugg Funny thing is, I have never consumed any sort of drug which would alter the appearance of my eyes (smoke does that…but no fires around here). What is it exactly that would make my eyes water so much? I think I figured it out…too much tv. I don’t spend my whole day watching movies (well…I used to but that was quite a few weeks ago). What has really gotten to me is this computer, and the world cup. Today we watched a total of two games, three hours worth. If we could have, we (my father and I) would have watched three, but they have started playing at the same times. I'm not sure how I will moderate my time, but I'm sure something will have to change.

2 comentarios:

Josué Greenman dijo...

Well....my eyes have been watering a lot in the past month. Yea...it must be that barefooted grouch. Maybe I should just stop chatting with her through the computer...and talk to her face to face.

Josué Greenman dijo...

I sure hope it works out. I've been wanting to meet that groucho for such a long time, it's not even funny! I've even tried making bets with her to force her to hang out with me...some day.