viernes, junio 16, 2006

It's nice to be on the winning team for once...

I don't want to make this long or boring but I want to let all of you know (yes, all five of you who actually read my blog) that it's great to be an Argentine just about now. We just beat Serbia and Montenegro 6-0, Serbia's worst defeat since 1930. After watching Argentina play today, all other teams seem to be amateur, unorganized teams. It is a beautiful thing to see Argentina play well. To describe Argentina's form of playing in a few words would be, "Short, fast passes with the whole team flowing as one." Yep...perfect teamwork. If Argentina keeps playing like they have been, and the other teams continue to play as they have been (yes, including Brazil, England, and the Check Republic), then Argentina is going to win the world doubt about it.

7 comentarios:

Josué Greenman dijo...

Argentina 3 - Holland 1

kalipay dijo...

well now that you actually WRITE something, HV, more people will check it! ;) good to 'see' you around again!

Toyoko dijo...

WOOHOO go Argerntina!!!


I need to make up my mind, but its funner voting for planty of teams cause then youre sure to be happy in the end.

But In truth THIS year im voting for Argentina ^.^

Josué Greenman dijo...

Good idea Kitty!

Toyoko dijo...

yeah i would hate for you to KILL me or something o.0 ^.^ but if arg doesnt win, i hope one of the other teams i like dose.

Rachel dijo...

pretty cool!

Anónimo dijo...

Kali Said:
well now that you actually WRITE something, HV, more people will check it! ;) good to 'see' you around again!

I say....

Have you totally given up the dour looking black thing you employed as a diary? (LOl...I'm being mean on purpose!!)
At least you won't get depressed during the World Cup!
- ME