lunes, diciembre 05, 2005

A nice poem

Aquella tarde Don Ceferino llegó a la pulpería cansado después de tanto traín.
La mocita del lugar le ofreció unas tortillas al rescoldo y él viéndola de lejos, quedó prendado de su candor.
Ni lento ni perezoso, al compás de su guitarra, comenzó a hilar unos versos pa´ dejarla impresionada:
"Te veo yendo y viniendo, con tu pañuelo de sol, que dulce verte riendo, hay fuego en mi corazón."
Las mejillas de la chinita se pusieron rojo punzó, Don Ceferino orgulloso, creyó haberla conquistado.
En ese preciso instante, una voz a sus espaldas lo sorprendió:
"¡Quédate quieto, viejo maula, que a esa china, antes la ví yó! "
Acodado contra un poste, el gaucho más mozo de los pagos, estaba seguro de su triunfo.
En silencio y mate en mano, pensó que la había ganado. Ella se acercó a los dos y les dijo en voz bajita: "Terminen con el chamullo, mi marido está llegando."

Author- unknown

sábado, diciembre 03, 2005

New Situation

Well, I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this whole situation. God has provided a replacement for me at the Jefferson house. I'm not exactly sure where I am going to stay while I wait for school to start up again but I am sure that God will provide. I am seriously going to study to try my hardest to get into Taylor. If I don't get accepted...then I am going to continue at Western and try to apply to Taylor again. I don't dare think that far ahead, due to the fact that it would be a waste of time to worry about it. I am not too nervous about what is going to happen, but I still wonder every once in a while. I must admit that my heart is at peace with this whole decision of moving. I know that if God did no want me to attend Taylor that He would not let me go by not letting me get accepted. This whole semester has been one huge struggle to keep afloat with my spiritual walk with the Lord. That is one thing that I wish to learn at Taylor, which Western does not offer, being a good manager of the time that He has given me. There I will be on academic probation which will force me into spending time in the library and getting my work done. I am capable of so much more and it seems that Western is not challenging me as an individual.