martes, mayo 18, 2010

Poor College Student, again

While most of my college friends approach their senior graduation from college, I am just starting my summer semester. It's fun being a student again while discovering a new (and exciting) world of economics. I decided that I need to learn about economics and am taking a summer course at the local community college.

It's obvious that my professor is quite the capitalist but I find this a good way to acquire a balanced view of the world. Besides, the capitalists are the folks who make the wealthiest country in the world float and I should try to understand what makes them tick.

3 comentarios:

rebecca. dijo...

Am I one of those amigos?
Also - I hope that college class doesn't make you too busy to have fun at my WEDDING! ;-)

Benji dijo...

I'm happy for you chango. Now we're getting on the same page:)

Josué Greenman dijo...

Ruwe, yes.

Benji, are you taking a class too?