martes, enero 19, 2010

Travels since BA

I haven´t had much time or ganas to update my blog lately, but since I have a few things to update and I am paying for my url (the address thingy), I might as well write a few phrases to keep my even fewer readers content.

Jeff made it down to Buenos Aires on the seventh of this current month and we were able to make it up to Salta on a flight the following day. I felt a bit bad not being able to show the touristy sections of Salta and Jujuy to Ian and Jeff, but I guess that usually happens when you take living in a city for granted, no matter how beautiful or unique they might be (Jujuy is neither of these, I assure you).

We made our way up to the Bolivian border with a night spent in Huacalera, a small town in the Valley of Humahuaca (Unesco world heritage park). Our bus ride from the Bolivian border to La Paz was terrible, especially bad was the stretch between the border and Potosi. Once this road is complete it will be a nicer trip, with bus companies willing to send better buses, instead of just their beaters.

Once in La Paz, Ian, Jeff and I decided to ride bikes down the world´s most dangerous road. Ian and I made it down without any problems, but Jeff had a bad accident after one minute of leaving the top of the mountain and broke his wrist. We had a hard time getting the $3,000 together to pay for his operation. The clinic only accepted cash and our atm withdrawal limits are set to $200. Thanks to the generosity of friends and family, we were able to gather the money an hour before it was due. Whew...

I am happy to announce that we are now in Cusco, probably one of the touristiest cities we have been in so far. We leave for Machu Picchu tomorrow and will be back in three days. The next big city on our list is Potosi, which will involve exploring the silver mine and visiting the mint house (where coins were made).

We are all quite tired but I am sure that we will survive until the end of the month. I´ll put some photos on as soon as I get back to my computer in Jujuy.

Chau for now.

Love from Quechua land.

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