sábado, octubre 24, 2009

Mateo 28

Mateo 28 is an outreach run by my church once a month. Last Saturday we went to Chua, a small village on the shores of Lake Titicaca. I really enjoyed the trip because it not only covered a spiritual aspect, but also the physical. We worked alongside the local Adventist church, which will hopefully allow the church to be viewed in a more positive light. I helped with the dental work, which basically involved filling needles with new points and with anesthesia. I’ve never seen so many rotten teeth up close. I had to hold heads and hands because some teeth had large roots and we had to work quickly. My other job was holding heads and hands, to make sure that they didn’t poke the needles in deeper. I am looking forward to the next trip and hope to be able to pull a few teeth myself. Many children would get a tooth or two pulled and then head out to watch the puppets reenact the Good Samaritan.

1 comentario:

Nancy dijo...

hope this helps you appreciate what you have in your mouth and will encourage you to take good care of all of those important partners. takes effort, energy, determination to maintain a healthy mouth. take nothing for granted and glad you could make a different for some little kid and his smile.