viernes, febrero 08, 2008

1 Month or Cuatro Semanas

I've been in Lithuania for about a month now...give or take a few days. I'm enjoying myself here, but it isn't easy. I really can't believe that I've been here for a month already...but at the same time it has gone quite slowly. The sun now rises at 8 and sets at 5:10. Things are getting better! :D

4 comentarios:

~Jess~ dijo...

a.) what kind of hat are you wearing?
b.) this is a pretty sweet pic... who took it?

Josué Greenman dijo...

a) Beret (boina) from Argentina. A lot of people in Spain and France also wear them.

b) Chris, the school chaplain.

David Greenman dijo...

yup..that´s my boy!!!!!

David Greenman dijo...

This picture reminds me of the books "Find Waldo" but in this case, it would be "find Josué"!!!!!!! Ha!