jueves, febrero 18, 2010

My goals

I've decided to make a list of goals that I hope to accomplish one day. They encompass most areas of life, except spiritual (which is something that we should all be striving towards and it's hard to make a list with it). Anyway, a lot of my goals involve travel and self-improvement to help me find better jobs down the road. Ultimately, these travels and "self improvements" are going to empower me to help others. Plus, they are pretty darn fun. Let me list them off... Please comment and let me know what your goals are!
  • Learn French
  • Visit Cuba
  • Study masters degree
  • Be a master asado chef (Argentine barbeque)
  • Acquire my Lithuanian citizenship
  • Visit Mchu Picchu

3 comentarios:

Эми dijo...

- To be a good leader for the youth group now, and be a role model wherever I am in life
- Visit the Philippines again
- Journal more
- To be a supportive friend
- Always be in the middle of a book/constantly be learning something new

And I also want to learn all the words to "We didn't start the fire" but that has been on my to do list for a while now...

Эми dijo...

Ahh I started thinking of a lot of other things as soon as I posted that...

- Learn to play the guitar better
- Organize my photos and do something with them (give as gifts, frame, make a book)
- Write a book (topic as yet to be announced)
- Study for a Masters before I'm 30
- Learn Spanish
- Make more effort to call friends (skype or phone)
- Make a more focused goal list

anna dijo...

- learn Arabic
- visit India again
- read read read
- memorize more Bob Dylan songs
- learn to look decent at dancing salsa, merengue, cumbia, chacarera, y mas...
- masters studies, including seminary studies
- be an encourager and servant to whoever i am living and working with
- find creative and life-giving ways and times to maintain mutually supportive communication connections con amigos en todas partes del mundo
- participate in acts of nonviolent resistance against oppression whenever possible
- get arrested for civil disobedience for a worthy cause