miércoles, agosto 05, 2009


A few weeks ago I was able to read 2 Corinthians 8 and felt convicted by the Spirit to re-think my stinginess with money and who the money was going to. We are instructed to ease the physical pain of those in need. I started to think of those who have great needs in my immediate surroundings. Homeless people, single mothers, and others came to mind. What about children? The children in the campo have nothing for themselves and sometimes can't have a full education due to the lack of funds. I partnered with Mabel Burke (I live with the Burkes) to buy school supplies for as many children as possible. The first school that I visited had about 10 children but there are others with even less. Each child received a plastic bag which contained:
  • 2 pencils
  • 2 pens (black and red)
  • a note-book
  • a pack of rulers
  • an eraser
  • a box of colored pencils
  • glue
  • stickers of the human body
  • a protractor
  • a pencil bag
I want to share this with everyone not to prove my generosity or try to make myself feel holy, but to encourage others to give. I hope to continue making these care packages for the many kids who live in the area where I work.

1 comentario:

rebecca. dijo...

mmm. i've been working on my tithing recently, too.
it's great that you've done something so practical with yours.

(i miss you)