martes, noviembre 11, 2008

Like, no way!

Enough is enough.  Please please PLEASE stop saying "like" all the time!  I feel like everyone is like, acting out their life.  Like, it gets on my nerves and I'm like, "Ah!  That makes me like, so mad!"  Seriously now...

I recently ran across this interview of Mrs. Palin that reminded me that I was going to write about my dislike of the overuse of "like."  She says: "I'm like, OK, God, if there is an open door for me to somewhere, this is what I always pray, I'm like, don't let me miss the open door." 

 I agree with her prayer...but...two "likes" in one sentence is pushing it for me.  *sigh*  

Maybe with like, some sleep I'll be much better in the morning because then I'll be like, all rested up!  

5 comentarios:

Bob Krave dijo..., that's like totally awesome.

Josué Greenman dijo...

Like, I've heard people say stuff like, "Some people, if you like, remove all of their swearwords they would be like, saying nothing." But if you were to like, take out their likes they would like, sound so much smarter too.

Anne Shirley dijo...

What if every time someone used the word "like", they were required to atone for it by acquiring and utilizing a new vocabulary word? It could develop into an advantageous scheme for reversing the overwhelmingly apparent apathetic disintegration of the illustrious English language...

wren dijo...

Before you completely strike "like" from your vocab, I submit that language changes and morphs over time, and there is one over-use of the word "like" where I concede its usage is nearly proper.

Other than using it as an annoying filler-word, people often use it in story-telling with a function.

We were walking down the street and he was like, "wanna catch a movie?" and I was like, "yeah."

Instead of saying the word "said," people say "like." Since the English language continues to morph and change (we got rid of the "thou" case awhile back, preferring the more formal "you," and the uses have now switched), this is a use, albeit over-use, of the word "like" that seems to be legit.

So once you're out of the LTC, put that in your pipe and smoke it. :)

Josué Greenman dijo...

Should I try to get used to the filler word "like" or wait for the next word to arrive? How do I start my own?