martes, abril 15, 2008

¿¡Que Están Haciendo!?

The sun it out today and it feels HOT. Actually, it's only 11 C (52 F for those who might be used to that kind of measurement) but due to the sun it feels extremely warm. Lithuania has a lack of sunny days, but when the sun does come out, it feels and looks wonderful. After a botched meeting with my supervisor I decided to wander around Klaipeda for a bit, hiting all of the parks that I knew of. After wandering through about three parks, I ended up in a Russian Orthodox church and was able to spend a few minutes in meditation. Heather Sommer from Taylor University is visiting Lithuania, so I think we are meeting her tonight for dinner.

I thought it was pretty interesting to note that some people had t-shirts on, while others still had their big winter coats on. Is it cold out? That my friend, is relative.

1 comentario:

rebecca. dijo...

Mmmm, sounds like some of our days on campus recently. Silly fickle Indiana weather.