lunes, abril 21, 2008


(binge) (binj) 1. a period of uncontrolled or excessive self-indulgent activity, particularly of eating or drinking (

I will no longer be internet bingeing during these last two weeks of school. I am starting to realize that I have something of a brain and that I am only in Lithuania for two more weeks. I must take advantage of my time here, not only studying in the world of academics, but I should continue investing in people.

Besides, the Internet should be around for at least another 5 years, giving me plenty of time to earn my masters degree.

I am thankful for the Internet though, it allows me to find free places to stay when I am in need.

3 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Heck yes, CouchSurfing pretty much made my spring break- coolest thing ever.

PS What are you doing on the internet again? Go invest in people.

Josué Greenman dijo...

Ha. Well...we still need to eat food, just don't over do it. I still need the Internet...

Эми dijo...

Internet fasting... I need to try that again...