miércoles, enero 09, 2008

Culture stuff

(in front of old KGB HQs in Vilnius)

Some observations today:
  • People are colder here, even than in the United States
  • Argentine restaurant on the main stretch
  • Mullets (nice ones)
  • Two people told me that I don't look Lithuanian
  • Two people thought I spoke fluent Lithuanian
  • I get annoyed when large groups of tourists take pictures in Catholic churches while people are trying to pray
  • Catacombs here are very clean and dry
  • They have pastries that look like empanadas in supermarkets
  • They serve maté in coffee shops

7 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Glad to read of your new adventure! Praying for you guys! --Tia Kim

rebecca. dijo...

WERE they empanadas? that's the real question.

Josué Greenman dijo...

Not really the same...the dough was very similar though.

David Greenman dijo...

¿El Gaucho Sano restaurant? Hmmmmm. I wonder if the gaucho is sano because he eats Argentine beef, chorizo crillo, chinchulines, etc? So.....they eat empanadas truchas there, huh? Interesting! Bring some back with you in June! I want to find out what they taste like!

Anónimo dijo...

so... what did those empanada type things really taste like?

Josué Greenman dijo...

The meat in the middle was more of a sausage...

Anónimo dijo...

Interesting first-hand experiences and cultural facts!! :)