martes, diciembre 18, 2007

Visiting in Michigan

I got in to Michigan last night at around 6 pm. The trip up from Indiana was long, but overall quite restful. Our expected departure time was 10 a.m., but because of a huge amount of snow and ice we weren't able to leave until 11 or so. It was kind of funny and frustrating at the same time because I couldn't open either the front doors or trunk.

Because of an all-nighter which I had pulled off to complete my packing, I was exhausted all day Monday. My brain was still alert, but my eyes needed to be rested. Of the four hour drive, I must have slept two. I used to be able to sleep quite easily during car and plane rides, but now I find it quite difficult. It was good that I had kept my goose-down coat with me because it served as a wonderful pillow.

Rachael (a friend who needed a ride to Michigan) and I ate at a little restaurant called "The Blue Dolphin." By the time that we made it into the restaurant, it was 3 p.m. and we were the only customers. I ordered a french toast sandwich with ham which could be dunked in a bowl of maple syrup. It was actually pretty good.

My cousin Ben's family had just got in from Argentina on Saturday and it was fun to hang out with them. The last time that I had seen them was one year ago for New Year. It was fun to tease my cousins while they tried to make Christmas cookies. My quota was one, but I got away with three. :P After dinner we all trekked over to the dollar store where I found some great colognes that were only a few dollars (their original price was a lot more). I am currently thinking about taking a few to Lithuania with me and give them away as gifts.

Ben and his family left this morning for Kentucky to spend Christmas with their family. My to-do list while I'm here includes: eating lunch with Renee (my English teacher in high-school), maybe hanging out with Amy Laur (who is going with me to Lithuania), delivering gifts to my aunt and uncle on my mom's side of the family, figuring out where to leave my car for the following 9 months, changing my insurance (parked status), making sure that my banks know that I will be abroad, resting and relaxing. :) Amy lent me a few books which I am looking forward to reading. It's been a while since I've been able to just sit around and read for fun. I should be heading out to Kalamazoo this Friday and then to Chicago on the 24th. Chaucito.

2 comentarios:

rebecca. dijo...

love the pics. hm. you've got all kinds of family around. just me, my parents and my four brothers, here. ;) fun times!

Josué Greenman dijo...

Yea well they left this now I'm alone.