miércoles, diciembre 05, 2007

It's that snow time of the year

It's been snowing for the past four or five hours, and should keep snowing until later today. I really hate being called a "trend setter" but sometimes I notice that once I do something...people sometimes copy. In the past, the Soup House has been a "no shoe" house. You could always find a pile of shoes by the door. If you were good, you could tell who all was in the house by just looking at the pile. This shoe removal ensured that the carpet stayed nice and clean. This summer I started keeping my shoes on while in the house...and have since then noticed that only Anna Perkins and a few other visitors take their shoes off now.

Where I grew up, we never took our shoes off indoors when visiting people's houses. It's rude, and your feet would get really dirty and cold (no carpet). I will admit that I would get BLACK feet during the summers when I would run around barefoot in my house, but I have since outgrown that practice. I've always felt uncomfortable visiting people's houses and having to take my shoes off. I do realize that I might get their carpets dirty if I don't though. I do suffer from chronic flat feet, so after a while my feet start aching and it is extremely painful to walk.

So, two excuses as to why I don't take my shoes off in the Soup House: 1) I have flat feet. 2) I'm Latino! Others though have been blessed with good arches, and can afford to walk w/ out shoes on. Keeping those folks in mind, I printed this out a few minutes ago and plan on sticking it to the front door:

Time to start up old traditions...

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

i sure didn't copy you. i just was too lazy to take my shoes off. ;)

wren dijo...

I like the sign.

Also, as a nod to cultural differences: if you don't take your shoes off at my house, I will think you do not feel comfortable. I always think people look strangely uncomfortable and like they really don't want to be in that home if they don't take their shoes off. I suppose I would almost consider it rude.

Parties are different stories. But if you've got dirt, take off your shoes. I have to vacuum, and I don't like to vacuum very often. I'm too lazy. :)

Josué Greenman dijo...

I like the idea of the host having slippers ready for guests to use while visiting.