viernes, octubre 12, 2007

Brutal Honesty?

I can't tell wither this cartoon shows an Argentina that is sinking or floating and becoming more buoyant. I know what the artist wants to show...but heck, I might as well analyze it, no? Argentina's economy has actually been improving in the past few years since Kirchner took the presidency. Maybe Argentina is sinking because of our loss in the world cup? Could it be that Argentina is sinking due to global warming (we have claims in Antarctica)? Whatever is happening, it looks as if everyone has left for Italy or Spain and have left that poor Porteño to hold on for dear life. :)

3 comentarios:

The Inside Center (Matt Cullen) dijo...
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The Inside Center (Matt Cullen) dijo...

Hey thanks for the comment. Too bad Argentina lost today. Did you watch the game? The fights at the end were pretty funny. I think they can still win third place.

The Inside Center (Matt Cullen) dijo...

No way! If you just scroll down on my page I have instructions on how to watch games FOR FREE. It's really simple and the video is good quality.